5 Cybersecurity Certifications That Will Get You Hired

When our inter connectivity increases and opportunities for bad actors to steal, damage, or disturb. The rise in cyber crime has triggered a demand for Cyber security professionals. Outlook work is expected to grow by 31 percent between 2019 and 2029.

5 Cyber Security certification companies are recruiting

There are hundreds of certifications available, from the public to vendor-specific, entry-level to advance. Before you spend your money and time on certification, it’s essential to find something that can boost your future.

  1. Professional security system certified (CISSP)
    CISSP certification from the rating of a professional organization of Cyber security (ISC) ² among the most sought-after credentials in the industry. Producing Your CISSP shows that you are experienced in IT security and can design, implement, and monitor the Cyber security program.

Requirements: To be eligible to take the CISSP exam, you will need five years or more of consecutive work experience in at least two of the eight cyber security domains.

  1. Auditor certified information system (CISA)
    The IT Association of Professional Isaca credentials helps show your skills in assessing security vulnerabilities, designing and implementing controls, and reporting compliance.

Requirements: You must possess five years of experience in audit, control, security, or guarantee. A two or four-year degree can replace every one or two years of experience.

  1. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
    With CISM certification from Isaca, you can validate your skills on the management side of information security, including governance, program development, and programs, incidents, and risk management.

Requirements: A five-year experience is a must before opting for such certification. You can also ignore one or two years with other credentials in a good position or postgraduate level in the field of information security.

  1. Security +.
    CompTIA Security + is an entry-level security credential that meets the role of Cyber security. With this certification, show your ability to assess an organization’s security, monitor and secure clouds, cellular, and the Internet (IoT), understand the laws and regulations related to risk and compliance and identify and respond to security incidents.

Requirements: Although there are no strict requirements to take the security exam +, you are encouraged to get a + network certification first and get at least two years of experience with a security focus.

  1. Hacker certified ethics (CEH)
    Ethical hiring, also known as white hat hacking, penetration testing, or red team, involves legally hacking organizations to try and reveal the vulnerability before evil players do it. EC Council – offers certified ethical hacker certification CEH. Generate to show your skills in penetration testing, attack detection, vector, and protection.

Requirements: You can apply for the CEH exam if you possess two-year work experience in information security.

Ethical Hacking Course Introduction

Is Cybersecurity certification commensurate?

Seventy percent of the Cybersecurity professionals surveyed in the US were required to have certification by their employers. According to the same research, security certification can also come up with a salary encouragement of $ 18,000. The proper credentials can also make you more attractive for recruiters and recruitment managers [2].

How to choose Cybersecurity certification

Level of your experience:
1. Start with certification that matches your current skills.
2. Invest in the certificate you know you can achieve, and use it to advance towards more challenging certification later in your career.
3. If you glorify it, look at this beginner’s certification and IT certificate.

Cost: Certified usually costs a few hundred dollars (or more), plus additional maintenance fees. The proper certification can open a better job prospect or a higher salary, but it is crucial to invest wisely.

Focus Area: If you are new to Cyber security or want to move to managerial roles, more general certifications may be a good choice. When you progress in your career, you might decide to specialize. Certification in the concentration area can validate your skills for prospective employers.

Potential Employers: Check some list of employment work you might want to work for (or job positions you plan to apply) to see what certification is usually needed.

What skills do I need for Cyber Security?

Skills, practices, and technology that you will use as Cybersecurity professionals will continue to evolve together with computers and network technology. The desire to learn, the problem of solving problems, and attention to detail will serve you well in this field. Others, more technical skills and technology to remember include:

  • Siem Tool (Security Information and Event Management)
  • Firewall, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
  • Digital forensics.
  • Cellular device management
  • Data management
  • Application Security Development
  • Audit and Compliance Knowledge

If you are looking for Ethical Hacking Courses in, Visit:

Bangalore: https://skillogic.com/ethical-hacking-certification-course-bangalore/

Chennai: https://skillogic.com/ethical-hacking-certification-course-chennai/

Pune: https://skillogic.com/ethical-hacking-certification-course-pune/

Hyderabad: https://skillogic.com/ethical-hacking-certification-course-hyderabad/

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