Prince2 vs APM: Which Is The Best Choice for You?

Project management is a critical function in today’s business landscape. Whether you’re overseeing a construction project, launching a new product, or implementing a complex IT system, having a structured and effective project management approach is essential. Two widely recognized methodologies for project management are Prince2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) and APM (Association for Project Management). But when it comes to choosing the best approach for your project, which one should you opt for? In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between Prince2 and APM to help you make an informed decision.

Prince2 – A Quick Overview:

PRINCE2, a project management methodology that originated in the UK, is widely recognized for its structured and process-driven approach. It divides a project into manageable stages and emphasizes clear roles and responsibilities. The methodology is based on seven principles, seven themes, and seven processes, providing a comprehensive framework for project management. PRINCE2 certification is often sought by professionals to validate their understanding and proficiency in applying this methodology to project management practices.

What is PRINCE2?

APM – A Quick Overview:

APM, or the Association for Project Management, is a UK-based organization that promotes project management best practices. APM provides a flexible and adaptable framework that focuses on guiding project managers through various aspects of project management. It emphasizes the development of project management competencies and recognizes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing projects.

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Methodology Approach:

  • Prince2: Prince2 is a structured and prescriptive methodology that provides a clear and step-by-step approach to managing projects. It is often considered more suitable for larger and complex projects due to its detailed processes and documentation requirements.
  • APM: APM, on the other hand, is more flexible and adaptable. It recognizes that projects vary greatly in size and complexity and encourages project managers to tailor their approach to suit the specific project’s needs. This makes APM a suitable choice for a wide range of projects.


  • Prince2: Prince2 places a strong emphasis on documentation. It requires the creation of detailed project plans, reports, and other documents at each stage of the project. While this documentation can provide clarity and structure, it can also be time-consuming.
  • APM: APM is less prescriptive when it comes to documentation. It encourages project managers to focus on what is necessary and avoids unnecessary bureaucracy. This can be a more practical approach for smaller projects or projects with limited resources.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Prince2: Prince2 defines specific roles and responsibilities for project management. These roles, such as project manager, project board, and team manager, have well-defined functions. This clear distribution of responsibilities can help avoid confusion and ensure accountability.
  • APM: APM also recognizes the importance of roles and responsibilities but allows for more flexibility. Project managers have the freedom to adapt roles to the specific needs of their project. This flexibility can be an advantage when dealing with projects that have unique requirements.

PRINCE2 Certification Training Benefits

Training and Certification:

  • Prince2: Prince2 offers a reputable certification program with both foundation and practitioner levels, providing individuals with the opportunity to become certified. This widely recognized Prince2 Foundation certification can significantly boost career prospects.
  • APM: APM offers its certification program, including the APM Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ) and the APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ). APM certification focuses on developing competencies rather than following a specific methodology.

Industry Recognition:

  • Prince2: Prince2 is well-recognized and respected in various industries globally, especially in the UK and Europe. Many organizations and governments have adopted Prince2 as their preferred project management methodology.
  • APM: APM is also recognized, particularly in the UK, and is gaining recognition in other parts of the world. It is highly regarded for its focus on developing project management competencies.

Project Size and Complexity:

  • Prince2: Prince2 is often considered more suitable for larger and complex projects, where a structured and detailed approach is necessary to manage risks and ensure project success.
  • APM: APM’s flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of projects, from small, straightforward endeavours to large and complex initiatives. It allows project managers to tailor their approach to the specific project requirements.

Risk Management:

  • Prince2: Prince2 has a strong emphasis on risk management. It requires the identification and management of risks throughout the project lifecycle, helping to mitigate potential issues.
  • APM: APM also addresses risk management but does so in a way that can be adapted to the project’s size and complexity. It provides project managers with a more fluid approach to risk management.

Tailoring to Project Needs:

  • Prince2: While Prince2 is highly structured, it can be adapted to some extent. However, significant deviations from the methodology may not be well-received by organizations that have strict compliance requirements.
  • APM: APM encourages project managers to tailor their approach to meet the specific needs of the project. This adaptability is one of APM’s key strengths.

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End Note:

The choice between Prince2 and APM ultimately depends on the nature of your projects, your organization’s culture, and your personal preferences as a project manager. Prince2 offers a highly structured and prescriptive approach, which is well-suited for large and complex projects, particularly in environments where rigorous documentation and processes are essential. On the other hand, APM’s flexibility allows project managers to adapt their approach to a wide range of projects, making it a suitable choice for organizations that value adaptability and competency development. Additionally, considering Prince2 training could further enhance your ability to effectively implement the structured methodologies it offers.

It’s important to consider the specific needs of your projects and the level of support and training available within your organization. Additionally, it can be beneficial to seek input from experienced project managers and professionals who have used either Prince2 or APM in their work. By carefully assessing your project requirements and considering the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your goals and objectives.

PRINCE2 Certification Principles Introduction

PRINCE2 Certification Training Characteristics


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