Some Easy To Follow Concepts For Six Sigma Beginners

Six Sigma is a well known methodology that focuses primarily in elimination of defects in the overall process of the business. Many companies have introduced this particular methodology into their manufacturing procedure. Inclusion of Six Sigma principles in the manufacturing has finally led into higher earnings.

Some of the industries that have successfully principles of Six Sigma for manufacturing of products include the following:

  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Military
  • Telecommunication
  • Service sector etc.

Primary Objective Of Six Sigma Methodology

Six Sigma is a well known organizational structure that truly concentrates on simultaneous improvement. Its primary objective is all about to achieve the desired goals along with objectives that have been duly set by the organization. It carries on the overall operation in an efficient manner to keep costs at the medium.

Speed along with inventory is the primary area that is concentrated by a Lean manufacturing company. Basically, focus is given on sources that include:

  • Transportation
  • Inventory
  • Movement
  • Defects
  • Work in progress

SKILLOGIC is providing Classroom and ONLINE training for Six sigma certification courses in INDIA. You can opt for classroom training at Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune.

Methods To Cut Down On Waste

There are five methods that contribute a lot to cut down on the waste during carrying on of the entire business process. Some of those easy to follow methodologies include:

  • Determination of customer value
  • Mapping of the stream of value
  • Creation of flow
  • Seeking due perfection
  • Pulling on the basis of demand

Basically, stress by Six Sigma is provided on the analysis of root cause. Lean duly focuses on simplicity of the solution along with elimination of waste in a speedy manner. Proper combination of Lean along with Six Sigma will definitely provide desired results.

What Is Lean Six Sigma?

Proper combination Lean along with Six Sigma will finally result into something great. Combination and implementation of these methodologies within an organizational structure mat after all result into:

  • Improvement in overall process
  • Reduction of waste
  • Effective monitoring

Six Sigma Green Belt Introduction

Six Sigma Black Belt Training Introduction by Skillogic

Finally, it may lead towards high rise in profit margins too! Some of the vital factors that lead towards high rate success of Lean Six Sigma include the following:

  • Ability to allocate right type of resources
  • Highly efficient leadership quality
  • Proper training sessions for employees
  • Regular reviewing of the status of project
  • Timely reporting and proper documentation of procedures

In short, Lean Six Sigma comprises of numerous benefits that will truly help manufacturing companies at the best. Some additional benefits in association with the same include the following:

  • High benefit to customers – Along with benefitting organizations, Lean Six Sigma has been known to benefit customers also. With its assistance, customers receive final product as per specification and quality. It will finally lead towards customer retention that is highly beneficial for organization.
  • High benefit to stakeholders – Lean Six sigma will also benefit stakeholders up to a certain extent. This particular methodology helps a lot to cut down on waste thus opening the gateway to high profit.
  • Beneficial to employees – As employees get trained in a thorough manner, they will receive the right type of information at the right point of time. It will let smooth concluding of the project by applying the right tools and knowledge.

Lean Six Sigma methodology truly focuses on enhancing the overall business process at the best.